In our country , the dairy industry is a booming industry 在我国,奶业是一个蓬勃发展的产业。
Inner mongolia has the resources advantages for developing dairy industry and the dairy industry developed rapidly within recent years 内蒙古具有发展奶业的资源优势,近年来奶业发展迅猛。
2 , as the weakest link of the dairy industry system , coordinate its growth with other links of the dairy industry system and protect its benefits 2 )有效保障原乳业利益,使其在产业链中协调发展。
But we can claim that , although the development of the dairy industry did drive the rapid development of local economy , it has a lot of problems 但是我们应该看到,奶业的发展尽管带动了地方经济的腾飞,但是面临着许多问题。
This training workshop will produce a positive and profound influence on a sustainable and healthy development of the dairy industry in horinger and across china 本次研讨会将对和林格尔县乳业乃至中国乳业的持续健康发展产生积极而深远的影向。